Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Wearing the letter P

Like Hester from The Scarlet Letter, I have a letter that represents me terribly well, and "terribly well" might as well be an understatement.

Today, I cut out a piece of paper and with a red marker, I wrote the letter P on the paper and taped it on my navy blue fleece. Anyone who noticed asked me why I was wearing a P and I told them that it was for The Scarlet Letter project (although I did not exactly know how to explain it well.) SB was one of the first few who asked me what the P stands for. When I told her that it was something I am very good at, she guessed it in less than a nanosecond. No, it does not stand for "perfect" although I'm sure many people might have guessed it was. ... Just kidding.

Honestly, I almost forgot I was wearing a letter P until I went to Walmart and the cashier asked me what's up with the letter on my fleece. Of course, I had to explain to her everything because she had never read The Scarlet Letter (which I thought was weird because if she had gone to high school, she would have read it in English class.) When I finished about 30 minutes later (yeah, I'm kind of exaggerating), the countenance (vocab. word!) on her face indicated that she'd wish she had never asked me. And at the same time, I had also wish the same because that conversation required too much thinking.

My feeling towards the letter is shame. At a point, I thought about the letter and why I picked to wear it. If SB took less than a nanosecond to guess what it stood for, that means I am terribly good at it... which is something I am not so proud of.

If you do not know what P stands for, it stands for PROCRASTINATING. But I'm sure that wasn't hard to figure out.

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