Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Scarlet Letter: Happy or sad ending?

I don't like to anticipate about endings when I read.

Before I even had a chance to be on the third chapter of the novel, my sister destroys my thoughts by telling me the ending. Although this novel was no Harry Potter, I still did not want to know what will happen at the end!

How I responded to the ending: Well, considering how I already knew what would happen, nothing much came out of the responsiveness. However, I had wish for a happier ending where no one dies because happy endings... make me happy.

For a person from the 1800's, Nathaniel Hawthorne was a very imaginative author. I'm not saying people from the Puritan time period were stupid, but seriously, I had never imagined a person from a time period that long ago creating this masterpiece that would be continually read about 200 years later. That's kind of amazing. Hawthorne used all types of literary elements in his book. Who knew authors back then were so creative enough to add in imagery, irony, symbols, climax, et cetera. I am amazed at the ironic situations that can be found in this novel.

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